
Nine Rules of Sin Moo

Sin Moo, at its foundation, has nine rules as a guide to live by. There are 3 aspects of the whole: physical, mental and spiritual. The well-being of each one if these - the Body, the mind and the soul - guarantees a strong and healthy existence. Conversely, any illness in even one of these elements weakens and detracts from the other components as well. There are 3 rules for each of these 3 aspects, for a total of "9 Rules of Sin Moo Hapkido".

These rules were developed by Doju Ji, Han-jae as instructions to allow your body to reach its full potential. The rules are broken up into three sections. Three rules deal with the physical body, three rules deal with the mental mind, and three rules focus on the spiritual soul. These rules are designed to help each of these parts of yourself reach their full potential. There are 3 types of power - mental, Body and medical. Mental Power controlled by the third eye is the most powerful. Body Power in the form of adrenaline (you Ki) is next. And last is the Power provided by medicine. So remember, your mind can be your most powerful weapon.

By following these "9 Rules" - which is not too difficult, you should feel stronger, and healthier as you will achieve physical, mental & spiritual harmony.

Physical (body)

A rich man owns a healthy body, a poor man possesses one that is infirm and weak. If you have a healthy body, you can always work to achieve your goals.

1- Food Control: eat well; do not eat food that inhibits the Ki’s full potential. Do not eat pork because it restricts the heart and circulation, Poultry reduces the oxygen intake of the lungs and slows the body’s natural healing process. Scale-less fish (e.g. Calamari, octopus, eel, shark) suppress the detoxification properties of the liver. Too much peppery, spicy food cause stomach uclers, while overdoing salt destroys the kidney’s filtering abilities. Do not drink alcohol as it kills brain cells. All these items are poisonous foods that harm the internal organs, thereby inhibiting the production of the adrenaline hormone in the Body (adrenaline gives us superpower, helps healing/stops pain & opens the third eye). Adrenaline is your physical Ki, and it is blocked by the harmful influence of these foods on your Body. If even one of your major internal organs is ill, it affects the other organs and weakens them considerably.

Foods that inhibit KI's full potential; eat well. Do not eat pork because it restricts the heart circulation. Poultry reduces the oxygen intake of the lungs, and slows the body's natural healing process (web-footed birds like the duck are all right to eat; it is the open-clawed birds that are unhealthy.) Fish without scales (e.g. calamari, octopus, eel and shark) suppress the detoxification properties of the liver. Too much peppery, spicy food causes stomach ulcers, while overdoing salt destroys the kidney's filtering abilities. Do not drink alcohol as it kills brain cells. All these items are poisonous foods that harm the internal organs, thereby inhibiting the production of adrenaline hormones in the body. Adrenaline is your physical KI and it is blocked by the harmful influence of these foods on your body. If even one of your major internal organs is ill, it affects the other organs and weakens them considerably.

2- Healthy Sex: do not misunderstand! A man rejuvenates his energy and a women enhances her countenance through the act of making love. However, ejaculating too often saps a man’s strength and may weaken him to the point of Death. A woman, on the other hand, benefits each time she orgasms. Breathing through the nose, with the mouth closed, helps a man retain his energy and control his climax. To create woman, God removed man’s left rib. Man lost not only his rib, but part of his strength as well. He may recover this lost Power only from a woman during the act of making love.

3- Beneficial Meditation: Slow, controlled breathing lengthens life. Breathe only through the nose, with the mouth closed, and use the stomach to move the diaphragm - not the chest or shoulders. Inhale deep and long, allowing the nasal passages to warm the air as it enters the lungs. The normal breathing cycle lasts 6 seconds (3 seconds to inhale and 3 seconds to exhale). Learn to inhale for at least 8 seconds, retain the breath for another 8 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. Your breathing cycle will be 3 times longer than normal, and you will live longer. Close your mouth, bite down and make the "mmm" sound, feeling the vibration in your molars. This action "opens the gate" and initiates secretion of the adrenaline hormone. Hot or cold water damages the molars, and prevents the production of adrenaline.

Proper meditation; With numerous breathing and meditation exercises, Sin Moo Hapkido shifts the focus from the multitude of external kicking and joint locking techniques for which Hapkido is known, and places it on internal training and ki development. Danjun Breathing (DJB) is the first technique taught by Grandmaster Ji Han-Jae in the art of Sin Moo Hapkido. Slow, controlled breathing lengthens life, breath only through the nose, with the mouth closed, and use the stomach to move the diaphragm-not the chest or shoulders. Inhale deep and long, allowing the nasal passages nasal to warm the air as it enters the lungs. The normal breathing cycle lasts 6 seconds (3 seconds to inhale and 3 seconds to exhale) Learn to inhale for at least 8 seconds, retain the breath for another 8 seconds. Your breathing cycle will be 3 times longer than normal, and you will live longer. The legendary white crane lives 1000 while a dog lives a mere decade. Why? The white crane takes in 6 months to exhale- one breath each year! However, a dog pants quickly with his mouth open and tongue hanging out.

There are three times of day that Grandmaster Ji recommends practicing DJB regularly. Before sunrise, noon when the sun is highest, and sunset are all important energy times of day that are perfect for mobilizing ki within your body. In correlation with the time of day, it is important to have the sun to your back while practicing DJB, especially when practicing outdoors. The back side of the body is the Yang side, and while our back is toward the sun, our "body becomes charged" in much the same way a solar panel becomes charged by the sun.

The opposite effect happens when you face your front, or Yin side of the body, toward the sun. This will tend to sap your strength and the benefits of DJB will not occur. Dojunim says that when meditation is done properly, many good questions will come up. If you have no questions, then you are not doing it properly. For martial arts training, moving ki can increase strength and power in given techniques.

Ki can help muscles work more effectively to form protective barrier against strikes as well as to move to areas of injury to help facilitate healing. in everyday life, proper ki movement helps control respiration and digestive functions, which can help one relax, make better use of oxygen intake, and assist in proper food digestion. There are different roads you can push your Ki through to do different techniques. There is control of the Ki for throwing, for killing, for proper practice of martial arts.

mental (mind)

There are three major sources of harm: Unhealthy food, external force (someone attacks you), and the mind. By far, the mind can be the most damaging. A weak mind relinquishes control of the body and permits for accidents to occur. When the mind is weak, then the body is weak, and you attract disasters and mishaps. The condition of your mind is entirely up to you. You decide if you are not to be angry, sad, nor greedy. We are here for such a short time, life should not be wasted in destructive emotions?4- Do Not Be Angry: The face turns red and the circulation increases tremendously when you are angry. The heart works overtime, and this leads to heart attacks. How do you reconcile traumatic accidents ? Think of it as repayment of dept from previous life. Perhaps you borrowed money from someone. and they reclaim it in this life by stealing it from you.

5- Do Not Be Sad: Excessive sadness weakens the brain to the point of insanity and eventually Death. How should you prevent despair ? Realise that your fate has been fulfilled, and it is time to continue. You cannot avoid that which comes to you, not hold on to that which leaves you.

6- Do Not Be Greedy: Greed is the root of a thousand sicknesses. it taints everything and harms all areas of the Body. When you die, only your soul goes with you; your Spirit is the only thing that really belongs to you. You leave behind the Body that you’ve used as well as any material possessions. The earth is God’s garden, and everything is on loan to us. The only thing of yours that you leave behind is your name. Your name may be good, bad or ordinary. An ordinary name is remembered for a few years by those that were close to the person, and then forgotten. Good names are remembered with pride for a long time while bad names retain their infamy indefinitely.

spiritual (soul)

God gave us 3 free gift: water, air and sunshine. Places of worship typically contain bowls of water, incense (air) and candles (light). These elements may be used to charge and strengthen the Spirit. The Spirit covers the entire universe and is timeless. A strong Spirit protects you and clears your path; accidents are naturally prevented or avoided. A weak Spirit leads to problem. 7- Water: Drink the right amount of water at the right temperature. Too much as well as too little water causes Death. Do not drink water that is too cold nor too hot, do not let it touch the molars. The teeth trigger production of the adrenaline hormone causing vibration to the Middle brain. Once stimulated in this way, the Middle brain begins manufacturing adrenaline. Close your mouth, bite down and make the "mmm" sound, feeling the vibration in your molars. This action "opens the gate" and initiates secretion of the adrenaline hormone. Hot or cold water damages the molars, and prevents the production of adrenaline.

8- Air: Too much air (pure oxygen) or too little air leads to Death. Breathe in and out only through the nose. Take slow deep breaths so the air is neither cold nor hot as it enters and leaves the lungs. Use the stomach to control and deepen breathing. Exercise and use the lungs fully to enhance circulation and provide sufficient oxygen to the blood. The legendary white crane lives 1000 years while a dog lives a mere decade. Why? The white crane takes 6 months to inhale and 6 months to exhale - one breath each year! However, a dog pants quickly with his mouth open and tongue hanging out.

9- Sunshine: Excessive amounts of sun as well as not enough sunshine brings Death. Getting the right amount of sunshine is like charging a battery; learn to keep yourself highly charged. Meditate with the sun behind you: face west in the morning, turn towards the north at noon, and look to the east in the evening and at night when there is no sun. Without sunlight we cannot see. If something happens too quickly or too slowly, our physical eyes cannot perceive it. However, the mind’s eye is timeless; you can learn to "slow time down". In the martial arts, this perception can be used to react in what seems like lightning speed to an opponent’s attack.

Without sunlight we cannot see. If something happens too quickly or too slowly, our physical eyes cannot perceive it. However, the mind’s eye is timeless; you can learn to "slow time down". In the martial arts, this perception can be used to react in what seems like lightning speed to an opponent’s attack.

These are the "9 Rules of Sin Moo". They are easy and quick to learn. Once you understand and live these tenets, you can live Sin Moo ably and acquire control effectively.

Main Dojang Haymarket/ Gainesville, VA
Master: Dr. Ramfis L. Marquez, 8th Dan
6916 Piedmont Center Plaza Gainesville, VA 20155

Phone: (703) 855-7704

E-mail: swshapkido@live.com or swshapkido@nvahkd.com

Mind ∞ Body ∞ Spirit

Baek Nyon Chon Mah (백년천마/백련천마) Study (Learn) 100 Times, Practice (Attention to Detail) 1,000 Times